Friday, August 27, 2010

Open Source Rules!

I may have Adobe Design Premium CS4 and Visual Studio's 2008 Pro Edition, but I have to say that while learning the basics for web design/dev I use the open source program Notepad ++.  I do use Visual Studios for Javascript and C++ (wish I had more time for you C++), but I tried Dreamweaver once and was so appalled at the lack of knowledge a person needs of any markup or CSS to create a website, that I haven't used it since.  That said, on top of my usual studies in New Media Communications/Writing at OSU ecampus; this year I will be piling on the workload by doing a short certificate course through Highline Community College for a Client Side Scripting Certificate.  This certificate actually sounds more like a web design cert because it covers some topics such as Dreamweaver, Flash, Photoshop, and user centered design, but I want to fine tune what I've taught myself and the cert. is online!!  So hopefully I won't come away just learning how to design/develop websites using Flash and Dreamweaver, but will learn the raw markup and scripting skills to get me a job!

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