Wednesday, July 7, 2010

HDMI already irrelevant??

So, I was scanning Digg, and found this hilarious article from about HDMI cables soon being replaced by fancier cables. I say hilarious because if I don’t let out the occasional cackle at all the new technological advances related to TV’s; I will shrivel up in fetal position with the feeling I’m getting repeatedly kicked in the stomach. I already have a hard enough time pretending to tell the difference between a Blue Ray movie and non, between our 1080p full HD Samsung and our LG which I have no idea what pixel it rates because it doesn’t say on the front of it, and don’t get me started with the act I put on related to the new crap my husband does to his Volvo in order to increase its performance. SO please, can we put a stop to creating incremental adjustments to a TV’s ability to show ALL the cellulite on Kate Gosselin’s thighs??