Folks must be getting pathetically lazy if they can’t even take their phones out of their pockets to check into Foursquare. MG Siegler from TechCrunch swoons about a new app for iOS4 that continually runs on your iPhone, while you run around town doing who cares what. Evidently it’s called “check-in fatigue” and is a common complaint of hardcore Foursquare addicts. Now, unfortunately you aren’t automatically checked-in to every Foursquare venue that you happen upon-you actually have to create a list of you favorites and those will magically check you in when you walk in the door. Luckily Steve Cheney at TechCrunch poops on Siegler’s parade by mentioning the obvious: if you have numerous favorites within a small radius, the app won’t be sensitive enough to figure out which venue you’re going into and of course there’s the ever-present problem of battery life. Those are simply glitches to those that think the app is a great idea, but let’s first contemplate why the heck we need it in the first place.