Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Look Ma! No Hands!!

Folks must be getting pathetically lazy if they can’t even take their phones out of their pockets to check into FoursquareMG Siegler from TechCrunch swoons about a new app for iOS4 that continually runs on your iPhone, while you run around town doing who cares what.  Evidently it’s called “check-in fatigue” and is a common complaint of hardcore Foursquare addicts.  Now, unfortunately you aren’t automatically checked-in to every Foursquare venue that you happen upon-you actually have to create a list of you favorites and those will magically check you in when you walk in the door.  Luckily Steve Cheney at TechCrunch poops on Siegler’s parade by mentioning the obvious: if you have numerous favorites within a small radius, the app won’t be sensitive enough to figure out which venue you’re going into and of course there’s the ever-present problem of battery life.  Those are simply glitches to those that think the app is a great idea, but let’s first contemplate why the heck we need it in the first place.