The previous post got me thinking about first impressions and branding, but specifically a person’s online presence. It took me years to engage online via anything but email because I was certain either my identity would be stolen within seconds or several online stalkers would haunt me if I ever created a profile on MySpace. Facebook sucked me in by my super conservative, Type A friend from highschool friending me by email, so I finally succumbed to peer pressure. However, I waited until I was old enough to know better than to post pictures of myself in unfortunate acts of debauchery. People in their 20’s might not realize that their potential employer is scouting for these types of pictures and other contraband that never disappears from social media network, and you never get a second chance to make a first impression. This phenomenon has spurred journalists, bloggers, and other concerned citizens to address the issue; just type in “online presence employers pictures” and you’ll get a slew of results such as: “Is Your Online Image Helping or Hurting Your Job Search” or “Taming Your Online Presence”, and even professionals offer their service, all geared up to help you re-brand yourself so the half-naked spring break in Cabo won’t haunt you when your applying to law school.