Thursday, July 29, 2010

Paradise Found With PdaNet

There I was, my throat tightening and my heart pounding, threatening to crawl out my mouth.  A stone’s throw from Canada I was trapped far from any semblance of civilization.  I had been repeatedly promised a steady Wi-Fi connection on the trip, but as we pulled up anchor in Seattle I was told our itinerary had changed.  We were to go straight to the Sucia’s- Echo Bay to be exact, in other words the middle of absolutely no where.  Pissed off I sulked and hoped I could at least turn in my midterm paper on time, which was due in two days.  If I hadn’t of so cruelly been lied to, I would have downloaded PdaNet to tether my Droid Incredible to my laptop.  I had heard about a few different tether options, but I couldn’t get them to work the last time I was out of range from society.  Luckily, we has some technical malfunctions with our dinghy and had to make a short detour.  There I was sitting on the top of the boat in Friday Harbor, the last link to civilization that was only to last until morning- trying to get on Washington State Ferries Boingo hotspot long enough to establish a connection and buy a one day pass.  I was about to give up after two ferry’s had chugged by, but then I magically got connected to some blessed soul with an unsecured router.  Thanks to them, I was able to quickly download pdanet and for the rest of the trip, I had the luxury of riding the internet off my Droid Incredible’s connection.  Thanks for the sanity pdanet-got to Tweet, Facebook, turn in my midterm, and even do some basic C++ tutorials!  I realized after this summer of being out of range or just completely dependent on my phone for internet-I will never leave civilization  ( I-5 corridor) again.

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